About Us
What you should know about Purple Omni
- Our solutions are based on experience. Both yours and that of our people.
- We believe that the best way to address complex problems is to seek new ways of working. In a collaborative way.
- It is outcomes that count. Our engagements will be as short, concise or longer as required to support you in your challenges. No more, no less.
- We design and facilitate working sessions with the variety of people required to ensure we achieve the outcomes you need. Our people, your people or others. Your call.
- We believe that conversations change organisations. Let’s focus together on the conversations that make a difference.
- We will support you in the execution of these initiatives as little or as much as needed. You individually or your teams.
We like to see ourselves as partners, jointly finding solutions
Grounded In Reality
We believe in programmes and initiatives targeted at achievable outcomes. No pie in the sky.
Outcome Focused
Our engagement is about combining our joint knowledge and experience. We ensure that together we will get there.
Our services
We help you shape and manage the engagements to achieve your business outcomes. By bringing in our specialist programme management, change and transformation expertise. From initiation through to implementation. Or any part thereof. Your call.
Executive Sparring
As executives, you may need a discrete partner to test your ideas. Or get fresh, new ones. Your own people are not always the ones you can talk to. We will act as your sparring partner. To having the right conversations. Helping you succeed.
Facilitation & Convening
We are experts in designing and facilitating innovative and engaging interventions. And we can convene a variety of experts (academics, peers, consultants, retirees) to open up new thinking.
Executive Education
Sometimes you would like your leaders to get dedicated, customised, specialist education. To enhance your capabilities. To possibly change the conversation.
Our approach
Creative Collaboration – Collaborative Creativity

To ensure that the outcomes of the engagement are clear and agreed with the key stakeholders in your organisation, we agree the scope, approach and governance up front. Of course. We will challenge you whether we are answering the right question.
Are we ambitious enough? Or are we too ambitious? What is the right level of engagement and disruption to address the challenges you face?
We need to ensure you are in control of the process and the outcomes. So we know what we commit to. And what not.
Creative Initiation >>
To ensure that the outcomes of the engagement are clear and agreed with the key stakeholders in your organisation, we agree the scope, approach and governance up front. Of course. We will challenge you whether we are answering the right question.
Are we ambitious enough? Or are we too ambitious? What is the right level of engagement and disruption to address the challenges you face?
We need to ensure you are in control of the process and the outcomes. So we know what we commit to. And what not.
Collaborative Assessment >>
Together we formulate the questions that need answering. Based on your understanding of your organisation and the challenges it faces. Combined with our joint experience of what it takes to make this engagement a success. We like to think in ‘Wicked Questions’. Questions that challenge our often hidden assumptions.
The assumptions that often cause misunderstanding and misalignment. They trigger what conversations we need to have. And with whom and when. We agree what success looks like. For all involved. To explore options to achieve successful outcomes.
Creative Exploration >>
We convene the people that can help us find creative, fit-for-purpose options and ideas to address the issues. People from your organisation or people from our extensive network of consultants, academics, retired experts (why not?), possible peers.
We will recommend a series of creative and engaging activities that will widen the conversation and address the Wicked Questions. And we can design and facilitate those activities. Multiple new ideas and concepts will emerge. Some big, some small. Some straight-forward, some complex.
Collaborative Consolidation >>
We need to agree how we can consolidate the multitude of ideas and options we identified. Together with the key stakeholders and the experts we engaged in the conversation, we will agree the Big Rocks we need to tackle first. Actual projects that make the most impact on achieving our agreed outcomes. And what it would take to make these a success. How we will do it together.
How do we keep the ideas alive, that we decided to not (yet) focus on right now? Which resources we will need, when and for how long. Before we embark on implementing those activities, we need commitment from all that will help us. Both internal and external partners.
Creative Implementation >>
Changing the business is empowering! And will be fun! But we need to ensure that the initiatives we kicked-off integrate with the day-to-day activities that are required to run your business. We work with your leaders to ensure this balance is struck and evaluated at all times. How to maintain coherence. And how to sustain the momentum. For the changes.
But also for running our operations. There are many creative ways how we can do that. What can you do yourself? How can external partners help? Without breaking the bank. And ensuring you stay in control. Through-out. Whilst delivering the important outcomes you set-out to achieve.
Who are we?
Purple Omni?

Frank Smits
Founder and CEO
We are a diverse group of people. From all types of backgrounds. Professionally and culturally. From all corners of the globe. We have to be. The nature of our business is that we must ensure that we are highly leveraged and networked. To engage the right people to assist you, our client. So, we have a large basis of tried and tested people. Our own but also many carefully selected associates. Consultants, of course. Academia, scientists, creative artists. Sport coaches? Sailing instructors?
We even have a cava producer in our midst. Just in case.
And, of course, we are very flexible on how we can work with you.
On a time and expense basis? Sure, we do that.
Fixed price? Of course.
You would rather engage our team on a retainer basis? That’s definitely something we also are happy to discuss as well.
Whatever suits your business and its challenges
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